software developer.
full stack web.
UX/UI, design.



  • HTML5
  • CSS/Sass
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • Ionic
  • back:

  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Node
  • Python
  • PHP
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Neo4j
  • other:

  • Photoshop
  • GIMP
  • MS Office
  • Git
  • work


    ArtiFact is a third-year software engineering project by team 5Bits from the University of Pretoria for our client EPI-USE.
    The system uses artificial intelligence to analyse bodies of text and determine the likelihood of it being fake news.
    Thato and I were in charge of the front-end. Using Angular, Firebase, Typescript and modern web technologies, we developed a Progressive Web App which makes it platform-agnostic, and a handy Chrome extension lets you check your news on the fly.
    Check it out on Github!

    Angel Academy Daycare

    A community project developed for a pre-primary school in Mamelodi, Pretoria.



    Airbnb clone written in PHP. Project I did for a multimedia course. Code's on Github.

    Haptic Hands


    Website for my twin sister's Kinderkinetics practice. Check it out here.


    Recruiting exercise I did for a job interview. Built using MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose, Node.js and Angular.js

    Link to the repository.

    Also did a presentation on one of my favourite topics, operating systems: check it out here and come back when you're done.


    Hi, I'm danré.

    Developer of software and designer of user experiences. I have formal education in computer science, informatics and multimedia and knack for creative problem solving.
